It is the devil flying or "Seplavite," which appears in the movie Constantine, based on the famous comic book "Hellblazer." There is perhaps best known version of the character, and appears when John (Keanu Reeves) Constantine, is going to hell, there, several seplavites begin to pursue. It is a different design, this seplavite lacks wings, and has legs, but I bring in hand, I find it much more attractive to perform. I am still in it, and I presume that I take a few more days, but I hope they can finish with the utmost fidelity, and one day see it painted and hung on my lamp. He he he.
The whole piece is made of wax modeling Castilene, which in addition to maintaining the detail, is very lightweight and easy to merge with heat. When it is cooled with a texture almost plastic and hard, and allows Carver and work without moving the material to the sides of the tool. To warm it, you can use the same finger, the microwave, a waxcarver, or my invaluable (thanks Ferrán) alcohol torch. Once the master volume worked with the fingers, and brushes with the rubber, burins and lancets, can shape the textures (not advisable until the end) But as often happens to me, I can not begin working details, then accidentally destroy. The idea is to leave the area completely finished by volume, and make the process of the detailed THROUGHOUT at the end.
El material/the material:
la figura/the figure:
El demonio sin cerebro, lastimoso y terrorífico, y mi precipitado trabajo en las texturas... Falta mucho trabajo.
The devil without a brain, terrifying and pathetic, my work in the textures ... stills much work.
Aquí empieza lo más divertido, las alas. Unas alas inspiradas en el típico murcielago, finas y pellejudas, Coloco la figura en un soporte metálico, y así libero las manos.Algo que me dará una faena impresionante, pero ahí está su gracia.
Here begins the most fun, the wings. Wings inspired by the typical bat. I put the figure at a metal support, and free my hands.
Los brazos son de postín, no serán tan largos, y aún tengo que trabajar la musculatura y el pellejo. Son pruebas para encontrar la pose correcta.
The arms are provisional, will not be so long, and I still have to work the muscles and skin. They are tests to find the correct pose.
El trabajo del "pellejo" de las alas en detalle. Tras amasar los trozos de castilene, se trabajan con la lanceta, los pinceles de goma, y finalmente, se suaviza todo con la antorcha de alcohol, homogeneizando la superficie.
The work of the "skin" of the wings in detail. After amassing the pieces of castilene, is working with the lancet, brushes made of rubber, and finally softens everything with the torch of alcohol, mix the surface.
to be continued...
2 comentarios:
Tio tio tio, es una pasadaaaaaa
ya te digo que voy a querer uno asi, creo que es brutal el trabajo que estas haciendo y la adaptacion de la figura es genial, tio no te puedo decir mas si no que voy a querer una...
Lo mas..un abrazo amigo.
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